Team Spotlight: User Operations

Since 2011, the Blockchain team has been creating products that empower people to store and use cryptocurrencies to make an impact across the world. It’s our bread and butter. The force behind everything we do here.

Our products are truly a team effort and with the recent launch of The PIT we’ve decided to pull back the curtain on a few of the teams that make products like The PIT a reality.

The Men & Women Answering Your Questions – 24/7

The User Operations (UO) team relishes the opportunity to understand our users and live in the trenches alongside our community. They’re responsible for handling any and all contact that comes in from users across all Blockchain products.

Every request you submit on the Blockchain Support page is read by a member of User Operations who not only has the expertise to answer your question, but the dedication to work through long nights solving challenges.

We were able to catch up with a few team members to discuss their department’s growth, how they’ve seen the company develop and dive into what makes the team so successful.

Unprecedented & Exponential Growth

From our humble beginnings in an apartment in York to the global offices we now inhabit, a lot has changed since 2011. Whether someone has been a part of User Operations for five years or six months, everyone on the team has experienced the undeniable growth. Just a few years ago the UO team was compact enough to share two pizzas – although they’d order an extra just in-case.

We’ll always be marked by the many, many OG crypto enthusiasts who have propelled our Blocketship to this altitude, and we continue to provide opportunities for more people to fall down the crypto rabbithole and contribute their unique expertise to our mission.

A UO member from our New York office recalls team leads describing the future of the department as rapidly multiplying in size, ‘It’s going to come quick’ they said.” And quickly it came.

Now, it’s the second largest team within Blockchain, and continues to grow at a rapid pace to keep ahead of users’ evolving needs and our expanding suite of solutions. In addition to allowing us to respond to more user questions each shift, it’s also allowed team members to develop expertise in specific verticals.

Why is this important? Well, the more specialized our agents have become, the more adept they are at answering intricate inquiries that are far from a standard FAQ. Ultimately, its translated to higher quality of service – a level of service we not only strive for, but demand of ourselves.

What is Your Favorite Part of the Job?

We asked a few members of this star team to share their favorite part of the job. Here’s what they had to say:

“My favorite part of the job has got to be writing educational content. It really is amazing when you can explain how something works in a relatively concise manner and have the person understand something that they didn’t before – I really love that feeling.” – User Operations: Wallet

“My favorite part is being surrounded by so many brilliant people. It pushes you to be more creative and think outside of the box, and is the kind of environment you do your best work in. You come up with better ideas when people try to poke holes and figure out the best way to build something or design something.” – User Operations: PIT

“It’s actually still the ‘Thank-yous’… The honest appreciation is still what I live and die for. In our space and with our products, our contact can be negative at times, but it still only takes one appreciative, thankful person to make my day.” – User Operations: Manager

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