Binance’s Education Portal Listed as Third Most Popular Service on Product Hunt

Product hunt, an online exposure platform service for up-and-coming online websites listed Binance’s education portal as number three in its daily ranking on February 18. Binance Academy delivers a wide variety of educational content related to the blockchain and cryptocurrency space from trusted experts.

Debuting in December of last year, Binance Academy’s vision is to fight misinformation with in-depth and easy-to-read articles in multiple languages. “Education is the integral pillar to proliferating crypto and blockchain usage,” the company’s chief growth officer, Ted Lin, commented in the release. “With Binance Academy, our goal is to provide an entirely neutral platform with quality, unbiased, educational information.”

Over the years, cryptocurrency traders and blockchain users have been plagued with scams, hacks, and other schemes designed to steal their assets. The academy is successfully fighting all of these together with teaching new users the ins and outs of cryptocurrency trading.

Product Hunt was launched all the way back in 2013 with the backing of Y Combinator. The platforms serves as an exposure and marketing tool for new online businesses that the users of Product Hunt deem worthy of receiving more attention and hence more users. Users can upvote the websites they like and even comment and hold conversations on them. Many websites in the blockchain niche have found their way onto the platform, including Robinhood, and Nimiq.

Besides the Academy, Binance has launched many other services alongside its exchange since its rise to fame in 2017. This surge in popularity came in the wake of the gradual failure of other older exchanges that used to be popular, such as Bittrex and Poloniex. Traders flocked to Binance due to its low fees, easy user interface, and no-nonsense approach to allowing anyone to trade anytime anywhere.

The other services offered by Binance include a charity foundation, a blockchain project incubator, a token launch platform, and an institutional-grade analysis team. Binance recently also launched their own wallet, simply called Binance Wallet.

Binance is currently the top exchange on Coinmarketcap with regard to adjusted daily volume. It is planning to gain even more volume through the launch of a decentralized exchanged (DEX) later this week. The DEX is earmarked to increase the security and safety of cryptocurrency trades for all of its users while sacrificing some of the benefits of a more centralized exchange.

Source:, image from cryptolatest